For All Modalities :
Jay x ray & imaging pvt. Ltd.
1, Ground floor, Palmspring complex,
6, Shantisadan society,
B/h Kalupur commercial co-op. Bank.
Near parimal garden,
Ellisebridge, Ahmedabad 380 006
Gujarat, India.
Mobile : 7874595598
Tel: +91-79-26406441, +91-79-26462475
E mail:
Timings : 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM (Monday to Saturday)
Facilities Available
- All types of digital dignostic, X-Rays & related procedures
- Superficial parts, 3D-4D, TRUS, TVS & interventional sonographic procedures
- Elastography-Fibroscan
- Musculoskeletal & Peripheral nerve sonography
- Colour doppler-Ecocardiography & peripheral vasculr doppler
- Portable X-Ray on request
Parimal garden is situated at the heart of Ahmedbad city. When you take the road
towards parimal railway underbridge from the parimal garden cross road, you have
to go towards service road on the left side. You can see the building of “Kalupur
commercial co-op bank.” You have to take left turn in the lane adjacent to bank.
Third building on the left side is “PALMSPRING” Jay X-ray is situated on ground
Please look at the map for more detailed instructions.
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for a directional map!